While continuing to work on the wordmark, I tried flipping the “V” upside down in order to get across the message of the mountains. I added the white tip to subtely add to the mountain reference too.
With the final product, I was extremely satisfied with my success inside the project’s focus point of reflecting the cities spirits through typographic symbolism. Throughout the project I kept experimenting with ways to push the wordmark farther & intuitively listening to follow ideas that brought me to this successful piece.

For the piece “Denver Wordmark”, I was asked to create a design that visually communicates the meaning/spirit of a city. The objective was manipulating a typeface in order to symbolically represent the city, without using separate illustrations.
I knew I wanted to represent a few different ideas about the city Denver. First, that it was the “mile high city”. Then, that it was a city filled with people who love the outdoors. Lastly, I wanted the viewer to understand that it was one of the cleanest cities in the US.
Through my initial sketches, I created the idea of using the capitol D as a sturdy start to the wordmark. Then, the “enver” could be manipulated in order to reference the spirit of the city.
I decided to work with the typeface optima, because the changes in line thickness reminded me of trail park signs that represented that value of nature in Denver. After that, I figured out I could raise the “enver” higher up along the topline of the “D” in order to portray Denver having a high altitude.