For the piece " Familiar Phases", I was given the task of creating a illustrative digital piece that was a reflection of myself in an abstract way. I started with using pictures of myself I had as collage pieces and setting them on different backgrounds that I thought would convey a meaningful space. Eventually I came to the idea of a plane, something that is an intimate space and outside of regular life when you're miles in the air.
Once I had the characters laid out on the plane to create a balanced composition, I started to outline them in illustrator to blur their bodies to create ambiguity and mystery. In the windows on the left and right side, you can see that their is a building burning on the left and a peaceful sunset on the right; representing the two sides of the spectrum my emotions live between.
In the end, I felt this piece was extremely successful in portraying the message I wanted the viewer to understand. The piece is meant to showcase my ability to create a strong compositon and visually intriguing design that also has a deeper context behind it.